Main page, about, news...Features, mapping information, resources...Files and related archives.Screenshots, wallpapers, music...Project Status, Daily report.Feedback, contact the author!.Links to other sites.

    Links to other sites.

    This is the last section of this website, but one of the most important of them... Doom is a more than 10 year old game, still, this mod is here as well as several other ones. This wouldn´t have been possible without the existence of a solid community.

    The following banners will take you to several places in this community:. None of them are set in a particular order other than in the order I added them so make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page. I hope you find the links interesting.

    Important note: Due to my lack of experience with this webbuilder each link will open in the very same browser you´re now. To avoid this, right-click and choose "Open in a different browser".

    Doom Links. 

Click here to go to and enjoy your stay!.
News, forums, a welcoming community and much more!!.
Don´t forget to pay a visit here and play some maps!.
Our host´s site with original maps and project. Also hosts other projects.
Click here to go to The Megawad and get some nice information. The Megawad:
Doom_Dude´s site, home to the "Vilecore" megawad as well as other maps for your playing pleasure.
Click here to go to the Megasphere and grab some DM maps. The Megasphere:
Mr. Rocket´s site with his Doom works (including a massive deathmatch wad collection), news and more.

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This site copyright 2005. The Marlboro Man.