This is a shot of the tutorial level. Yes, in fact, there is a little level that will teach you all the basics about actions, powerups and gameplay. Quite cool if you ask me :P
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This is an indoor shot of the first map of World 1... In World 1 you will find ancient ruins of an unknown civilization, filled up with traps, strange structures and beautiful rooms.
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This screenshot is the first place you will see on World 1. World 1 is an strange, yet gorgeous place where you will see cliffs, water and grass in a strange harmony...
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You will witness a strong contrast among the ruins of ancient buildings and the technology of UAC constructions. This shot of World 1-2 depicts the later. What does the UAC does or did here???.
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This is another shot of World 1-2, a plain, classic and typical UAC installation. What lies beyond these walls and how it came there is a mistery lost in time.
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Some kind of dig shows the contrast mentioned earlier in World 1-2: from inside a conveniently constructed hallway you can look at a place that seems carved on the rock.
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Strange and wonderful things are found in the depths of World 1-2. The structures shown in this image have a crucial meaning to the level. What´s their use?.
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UAC crates are stocked by the remains of mystic buildings as to remind that someone´s been there before in this image of World 1-2.
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This could be one of the sights of the corridors in World 1-2 structures. Suspended bridges, trails of candles, grates and statues welcome the unexpected visitor.
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During World 1 you will encounter some buildings whose state is somewhere between the complete ruin and the miracle of conservation. This shot of World 1-3 depicts one of the later.
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Under a calm night sky there´s a walkay. Crossbeams, grates, banners and decorations surround one entryway. What may lie whitin?. What´s beyond the outer walls in World 1-3?.
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It may not shine as beautiful as it could in the past, but the seashore shrine still can stand erect against the oceans of years. Many of the inner decorations in World 1-3 are surely lost, but something could remain to be seen while there is time.
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Each of the locations in World 1 may seem completely isolated and lost, but there´s always a way, a path that connects them toghether as this bridge in World 1-3 that seems to go into the sea from the big, aged building... That´s part of it´s beauty, it´s intention still intact even if years have taken it´s toll.
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 In this image of World 1-4 nothing is revealed but a small indoor room, meaning an outdoor beyond these bars. The nature of what´s outside will keep secret until reached as well as the answer to the question: is there an outside from outside?.
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Almost the very first thing to be seen in World 1-4. Another weird indoor scene with torches in the walls, very low ceilings and a claustrophobic feeling. A portal stands proud and untouched in the ruins. Their nature is revealed but unexplainable.
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Technology shines at the end of the dark hallway so, has anyone been here before?. Has anyone made it this far?. The frantic exploration continues as the old world cruelly smiles at the visitor.
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A view from one of the balconies in World 1-5. These balconies are directly suspended over a seemingly dark void from wich structures emerge like tall trees. Some of them are superbly conserved and look almost as they could look in their brighter days. Some others are now beginning to suffer nature´s rage as days pass by.
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As seen in this image from World 1-5, plants, grass and other nature children are corroding the core of the structures, sometimes beyond recognition. Still, the purpose of this hall lives on and all its power is still intact.
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Marvelously intact veils cover the access to places in World 1-5. An endless void is seen through the windows and by the eyes on stained glasses behind. The whole place remains silent except for the sound of the wind and its whispers.
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World 1-1 will be home to modern and functional technology meeting an old and unseen world. This contrast will be smaller until non existant as the story unfolds. How far did the UAC reach?. The screenshot reveals part of the fixes and additions that are being done to this level as compared to this other.
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This site copyright 2005. The Marlboro Man.